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Day 1 - Using LibWizard to enhance Information Literacy for Undergraduates

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin
edited March 2024 in SpringyCamp archive

Session information: https://training.springshare.com/springycamp/2023/information-literacy-for-undergraduates

Teaching information literacy (IL) in academic librarianship poses challenges, especially with the rise of online programs due to COVID-19. Mississippi College Speed Library chose LibWizard for its IL modules due to flexibility, compatibility, and user-friendliness. A two-semester study assessed the usefulness of LibWizard tutorials in English composition classes for Robert's dissertation research. This presentation will focus on employing LibWizard tools to teach IL, sharing assessments and student feedback. Pros and cons of using online tutorials for library skills will be discussed, emphasizing potential benefits for research proficiency in both online and in-person experiences.

Have any questions for Robert Burgess?

Post them here! 💬


  • Cybrarian
    Cybrarian Member Springy Pro

    Looking forward to your presentation! I want to make my tutorials better.

  • Springy_Meg
    Springy_Meg Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

    Here are some questions from the session:

    1. From Shane: Do you know which type of device your students accessed (tutorials) from most? E.g. mobile, tablet, etc.
    2. From Rebecca: How did you handle accessibility in libwizard? I struggle to make our tutorials screen reader compatible and have accurate keyboard navigation because of the problems with iFrame.
    3. From Emily: How do you think this would go if the students were given the option for in-person or online?
  • RBurgess
    RBurgess Member Springy Initiate
    1. All of my students used computers that were in the library classroom. This allowed me to control the experiment.
    2. I made the tutorials that I made on LibGuides for students to read or watch an embedded video. I included pictures, text, and videos. So, that is all I was able to do for accessibility. I am afraid that I can not answer for how to handle screen readers. I am afraid I have no suggestions.
    3. I really feel like this is split 50/50. Some students will always choose the in-person experience because they learn better by hearing someone teach something. Others just prefer to learn on their own.
  • Springy_Meg
    Springy_Meg Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

    Thanks so much for your session, @RBurgess / Robert!

    I wanted to jump in here about accessibility in case Rebecca stops by, or anyone else is curious: All Springy products are fully accessible according to VPAT guidelines. That said, we definitely welcome feedback to help us ensure our products are accessible and without barriers to ensure inclusivity for all. If you ever need to report a specific accessibility issue or want to submit a file from an automated scan, please complete our Accessibility Report — we'll be happy to take a look. 🤓