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Day 2 - Timely Tutoring: Leveraging LibCal Appointments to Provide Less Friction and More Equity

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin
edited January 10 in SpringyCamp archive

Session information: https://training.springshare.com/springycamp/2023/timely-tutoring-with-libcal-appointments

In summer 2022, Tidewater Community College (TCC) merged tutoring services with libraries. Previously, students used separate Google forms for tutoring appointments on different campuses. TCC librarians and tutors aimed to streamline this in fall, opting for LibCal. Over 30 tutors were trained to use it. Spring 2023 saw the launch of tutoring appointments via LibCal. This presentation illustrates leveraging LibCal for improved, equitable student support and discusses initial challenges.

Have any questions for Mary Hanlin?

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  • Cybrarian
    Cybrarian Member Springy Pro

    Yay! Great presentation. I would like to know more about the DETAILS of how you set these all up. I am wondering what the backend looks like! 30 tutors! Wow. That is a bunch of appointments going on. And how did you divide them up by subjects??


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