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Present With Springshare at PLA 2024!

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Springy Scholar

Are you doing something interesting with Springshare Tools? Looking to gain experience presenting? PLA is right around the corner and we are looking for Springy users to present at our booth!

We're looking for presenters who are:

  • Doing interesting and innovative things with Springshare Tools;
  • Involving patrons with content creation, analysis, or planning;
  • Embarking on a Springshare Tool redesign and want to share the process/outcome;
  • Using a Springshare Tool to better inform decision;
  • Engaging and communicating with patrons in effective ways;
  • .... and really anything at all!

We respect your time and effort!

We understand that crafting a presentation and taking time out of your conference schedule takes effort. And to that end, we are providing honoraria to selected presenters in the form of a gift-card.

Submit a Proposal!

To submit your presentation proposal, hop on over to the SpringyShare blog and fill out the form at the bottom of the post!

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