2021 - Track 1 - Programs Aplenty using LibWizard Tutorials

Have questions for Kayla Harris and Katy Kelly? Post them here!
View the recording at any time: https://buzz.springshare.com/springycamp21/track1
This is great! Are these publicly available? And can we "copy" your stuff? :-)
I love the tour of the library web page. That is awesome and I would like to do that for our library.
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How did you embed creative commons licensing on your LibWizard assets?
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Link to a web page where all of these are located?? I would like to look at them and maybe "copy" some ideas!! Thanks!
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@alexiatshaw After I filled out the Creative Commons form it provided a HTML code to show the license. I copied and pasted the code into my LibWizard on the welcome screen using the WSYWIG>HTML source option. Happy to help if needed! Thank you!
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After our presentation someone asked which program was the most popular. Here is a list of the top 3, including when it was offered. As @kharris2 mentioned, programs offered in February closer to the deadline for points usually get more participation.
Discover the Marian Library, February 2021, 1,626 participants
Information Neighborhoods: Interacting with Online News Like a Good Neighbor, February 2021, 1,534 participants
Citizen Web Archiving: Preserving Websites for the Common Good, October 2020, 1,343 participants
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Any links to these? I'd like to see all your great ideas! Fabulous!
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@Cybrarian, hello! Only 2 of the programs are publicly available because the majority of our examples from today were limited to students for a certain period of time. You can follow the links to Information Neighborhoods and the LGBTQ+ module from our Events and Exhibits website.
However, feel free to read the blogs written by program authors and reach out to them directly if you want to request to view them or use a version for your own library. Discover the Marian Library is the website tour you mentioned.
- Making Memes: A Gallery of Visual Literacy by Jillian Ewalt and Bridget Garnai
- University Libraries Highlight the Harlem Renaissance by Diane Osman and Lauren Markert ’22
- Discover the Marian Library by Kayla Harris and Ann Zlotnik
- Know Your Neighborhood by Katy Kelly
- Citizen Web Archiving: Preserving Websites for the Common Good by Kayla Harris, Christina Beis and Stephanie Shreffler
- Learn About Nativity Imagery from the Marian Library by Jillian Ewalt, Kayla Harris, Katy Kelly and Shari Neilson
Thank you!
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Thank you for telling us how to add a Creative Commons license to our LibWizard tutorials! I like the idea of sharing our work.
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Following up to @kkelly2 and @Cybrarian, it seems like the only way to "copy" a LibWizard tutorial from another institution is to view it and then recreate it on your end (unlike LibGuides which can be shared across the community). Maybe someone from SpringShare can confirm that?
As one of the creators for Citizen Web Archiving, On Paper, and Discover the Marian Library (the links to each tutorial are in the blog posts above, and should all still be viewable) I would welcome anyone reusing and remixing ideas from them! In fact, I would love to see examples!
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@Cybrarian Here is the link for the Discover the Marian Library: https://udayton.libwizard.com/f/discoverML It was more of a tour / scavenger hunt through our website and then @kkelly2 (along with colleagues) created this LibWizard as a self-guided tour that prospective students could follow along with while walking through the building on their campus visits this summer: https://udayton.libwizard.com/f/tour
Hope these are helpful!