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Day 1 - Embedding Creativity into Your Guides

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin
edited June 2023 in SpringyCamp archive

Session information: https://buzz.springshare.com/springycamp/2022/embedding-creativity

When you start thinking creatively there's no end to what you can achieve. But sometimes you aren't sure if your tools can keep up with you. From videos to interactive slides, to Padlet timelines, to Canva-created advertising and newsletters, there's no end to the innovative ways you can communicate with your patrons. This presentation will take you through the nuts and bolts of embedding, then on a creative journey opening up the possibilities of what you can add to your own guides.

Have any questions for Meredith Kostek?

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  • mwestonkostek
    mwestonkostek Member Springy Initiate

    Looking forward to discussing embedding found and created items in your LibGuides. Can't wait to hear about the creative ways you use embedding in your LibGuides and what creativity my presentation sparks in you!

  • mmussuto
    mmussuto Member Lab Coat

    Like the use of Padlet's timeline.

  • mmussuto
    mmussuto Member Lab Coat

    So you embedded your Canva newsletter into the LibGuide?

  • Groomej
    Groomej Member Lab Coat

    How do you handle record retention for items with embedded content?

  • mwestonkostek
    mwestonkostek Member Springy Initiate

    Yes, we embed our current issue of our newsletter into our LibGuide, then when our next one comes out I archive it as a pdf and embed the new one on our "current" tab.

    I do make sure I title my newsletter as "embedded" so I know that changes I make there will show up directly on the LibGuide.

    It's been a convenient way to distribute the newsletter for students, plus a good archive for us, too.

  • mwestonkostek
    mwestonkostek Member Springy Initiate


    I'm not completely sure I understand your question. We do not typically embed content that is subject to any type of record retention schedule.

    We use a yearly schedule to check all pages for link rot and also fix as needed dead links and embed issues. This happened recently with the puzzle embed we were using. However, it is not something we actively have a policy for.

    Is there something your institution uses that you like? We're always looking for better ways to improve our site.

  • Cybrarian
    Cybrarian Member Springy Pro

    Mind blown about the clickable image! I had not even thought about using slides for that. Now I can solve my problem of embedding our floor plans with clickable links! Thank you so much.

    Is there a link to your libguides?

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