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Day 2 - Springy Tools & The Day of Research

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin
edited June 2023 in SpringyCamp archive

Session information: https://buzz.springshare.com/springycamp/2022/springy-tools-day-of-research

In our presentation, we will explain how Springshare tools helped revolutionized the Davenport University (DU) Day of Research during the COVID pandemic and continues doing so today. Formerly, this was a big in-person event. However, when the COVID-pandemic forced the event online, the library was able to use Springshare tools to provide the new infrastructure. LibGuides was used as a hub for the event itself, LibWizard was used for submissions and judging, and LibCal is slated to be used for scheduling future events. This presentation will highlight how Springshare tools have helped grow the DU Day of Research and will unveil future plans utilizing even more Springshare tools for the event.

Have any questions for Brian Holda & Emily Hayes?

Post them here! 💬


  • Cybrarian
    Cybrarian Member Springy Pro

    Such an excellent use of the tools! Can't wait to look over all the templates and css etc. Can you tell us how long all this set up took?

  • ehayes
    ehayes Member Springy Initiate

    Thanks! We start planning everything in September or the fall semester, and the event takes place in April, so pretty much the entire academic year. Lots of testing things out throughout the year but somehow it all comes together by the time of the event.

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