Springy Community Announcements

Springy Community Announcements

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2024-02-26: All regions - LibGuides issue with Syndetics images --RESOLVED

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

2024-02-26 - 8:30 am: We've confirmed reports of missing book covers in LibGuides. After investigating, it appears that this is a certificate issue on the side of our book cover image provider, Syndetics.
We're working with Syndetics to resolve the issue and as soon as they're able to address it, this will be fixed in LibGuides.
Thanks for being on board with Springshare and sorry about the inconvenience!

2024-02-26 - 12:00 pm: It looks like the Syndetics images for book covers are behaving as normal. :)



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  • Teresa
    Teresa Member Springy Champ

    Not just Springshare, we're seeing Syndetics fail in Serial Solutions and off and on in Ebook Central too.

  • Springy_Will
    Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

    Hi @Teresa -

    That's expected since the issue is entirely on their end. šŸ˜Ø

    Hopefully ProQuest will get this sorted out soon!

  • amartel
    amartel Member Springy Champ
    edited February 2024

    Hi @Springy_Will, thanks for letting the community know!

    To that end, I've noticed that the notifications for the Springy Community Announcements aren't being delivered by RSS until after an issue has been fixed. I sometimes see the notices months after an issue was resolved! I receive new post notifications via RSS as they come in.

    I wouldn't have known about this if I weren't so emotionally invested in checking the Lounge as part of my daily routine as I sip my morning tea. šŸ˜‚ Is that logged anywhere? I prefer to get activity notifications via RSS rather than email, but I just enabled email notifications as a stop-gap.


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