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2025-03-11 8:00 AM - EU Region - LibGuides Server Issues - RESOLVED

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

2025-03-11 2:30 pm: We've been given the all-clear from our developers. Thank you all for your patience, and we're sorry about the inconvenience this has caused!

Let us know if you're still having any issues with your LG site going offline.

2025-03-11 8:45 AM: Our developers have identified the issue and have applied measures to get things back up and running. We're not out of the woods yet, but things are improving.

2025-03-11 8:00 AM - We have been experiencing an issue with the LibGuides servers in the EU server region, but our developers are hard at work to keep things running smoothly. Your LibGuides site might be going down periodically. 

We're sorry about the inconvenience this has caused! We will update this post with more information as it becomes available.



  • Kaatje205
    Kaatje205 Member Springy Initiate

    It looks lik its working again, only very slowly…

  • Springy_Will
    Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

    Hi @Kaatje205

    Thanks for that update! We're starting to see some changes in the right direction, so we're not out of the woods yet, but things are improving on our end. :)