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2024-03-21 8:00 AM ET - Accessing Springy Resources - EU/AU regions - RESOLVED

Springy_Will Member, Administrator, Moderator, Springy, SpringyCamp Counselor Admin

8:00 AM ET - Accessing Springy Documentation/Resources - EU/AU regions  - There is an issue with validating LibApps login cookies for EU/AU clients that is preventing access to our documentation and other resources. Our developers are currently working on a fix. We will update you as soon as we have more information. Users in US/CA regions are unaffected by this issue, but let us know by submitting a ticket if you are having trouble.

9:30 AM ET - Our developers will have a fix published by the end of today in US ET time. By tomorrow morning, AU/EU folks should be able to access our content again.

11:00 PM ET - The fix for this issue has been deployed and EU/AU customers should be able to access our resources once again. Let us know if you are having continued issues!

Thank you all for your patience!

This discussion has been closed.